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Need help to filter these data ..urgent

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Member level 1
Jun 25, 2006
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I am Attaching some ADC output file captured on PC using 232 . I want to filter this data. This data is came when a truck is run on a weighing platform between speed of 5 to 15 kmph. I want to implement digital filter to filter this data.
I am using AT 89C55WD controller and Assembley language,and i have to use this.please design appropriate filter, and send me coefficinet.

Above data is of Sampling rate-28Hz

If any Info require please let me know..But its urgent


What kind of filtering?
Do you want to apply LPF filter with fc=5Hz ?
Do you want to apply LPF filter with fc=1Hz ?
Do you want to apply HPF filter with fc=2Hz ?
Do you want to apply HPF filter with fc=8Hz ?
What attenuation do you need in stopband area?

Details, details, details.

Low pass Filter..Cut off ..5 Hz or below ..IIR or FIR no prob intrest in filtering and i am using 8052 core controller so it is not too fast soconsider this...


Ok. Those are the results, but still, I'm not familiar with the nature of your project so this could be meaningless for your application.
For the filter design, input parameters are shown on next picture:

The result is filter of 12th order with coefficients
1. 0,0435401222614106
2. -0,0497007964907402
3. -0,0767048395375377
4. -0,0302227741478355
5. 0,114786730175788
6. 0,284995861384153
7. 0,361001857406659
8. 0,284995861384153
9. 0,114786730175788
10. -0,0302227741478355
11. -0,0767048395375377
12. -0,0497007964907402
13. 0,0435401222614106
Note that coefficients are symmetric around the 7th value, so you can use this fact to efficiently implement filtering. Also, consider implementing with integer types (char, short, long - signed or unsigned), since integer operations on 8051 are much, much faster than with the floating type.

On the following picture is input signal from file '1.txt':

And on the following picture is the output of the filter:

Tell us the results

Actually i need flatness at that area.. these are weight sample captured for truck running on platform . Sample are for front axel then both Axel and last rear axel. Ocillation is much . i want flat response and fast response in approx 400 msec. My actual sample value is near 16800.Also can u give me good filter design software which helps me such type application, so that myself.

Also i have filter that data which improve performance but not too fast. i had applied running average of 10 new sample and 5 old outputs. u can see perofrmance of my running average and suggest me to improve more so variation less and response will fast

thanx for your support

If you have MATLAB installed, just type "fdatool" in MATLAB command window and you can design filter with your specifications. After that, you can export filter coefficients into MATLAB workspace, and use command "filter" for filtering data.

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