Need help summing two signals with no OP-AMP

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Rafael Félix

Newbie level 1
Mar 3, 2015
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I need help summing two signals, I cannot use any type of OP-AMP or IC. Basically I have two input signals one source with 10 vp at 1 kHz and the other source 5 vp at 1kHz so I need the output signal to be 15 vp at 1kHz. I'm new with Electronics so I will really appreciate your knowledge.

Sorry for English

You don't really give us enough information, like what your source impedances are, what the load is, etc. But you could just connect both signals together through two resistors, and take the 'output' from the junction of the resistors. It won't be exactly 15 volts, ESPECIALLY if the two signals are out of phase.

No, that will give the average, not the sum. (time for a cup of coffee? :grin

If the two signal generators are completely isolated, you can just connect the outputs in series.
If not (e.g. if they have a common earth), then you can use a transformer to isolate one of them.

As barry says, if the signals are not in phase they won't add up to 15V.

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