need help rin makinf a project

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Newbie level 6
Mar 14, 2006
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i have taken the
electric circuit analysis 1&2
electrnic devices and circuits 1&2 ,
digital logic design
signals and systems
now where i can implement these i want to make something..........plz help


Although 'circuit anaylsis 1 & 2' is pretty vague, there are many websites that have various projects, with schematics, and circuit explainations. This board is full of links. Plus google will yeild great results, like:

Its generally good practice to break a circuit down into a block diagram, and work out exactly what each part is doing, and why its doing it. For example, why is there a resistor in series with an LED? Or, why have they placed a capacitor there? and why it its value 22uf? Now, 'theory' and 'practice' dispite what some say, can be different. Actually building a circuit, no matter how simple, or useless is good experience, and will probably yeild good 'habits' (like using protection diodes for a power supply). I can't tell you how many times I've designed and simulated a design, but when built, it simply doesn't work, and requires a slight modification, ask yourself why this modification is needed. Your course will help with this.

I know this probably isn't much help, but for me, the real struggle in building 'electronics' gadgets is lack of ideas. If I really want to make something, but its beyond my knowledge/ability and is really complicated, its just a great excuse to learn something new. The internet can provide a fountain of knowledge, and this board is a good source...nothing beats advice from a 'real' person with experience.




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try to think of something you want to create, maybe create a list of things, so we could give suggestions on whats the best project for you

u can make a three phase vif meter.need help i m ready

check out on sound westhost,
or elliott sound prods

Hi there the only way to learn electronics is to build circuits. In your uni do you have engineering labs? if yes that will help you if not you have to learn on your own believe me it seems hard but it is not so. If you want I will help u step by step

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