% James Lamberg 28Apr05
% EE 5821 Biomedical Modeling
% Imports a .dat file containing two signals in PhysioNet format 212
% Outputs a .MAT matrix
% The matrix can then be used in the Wavelets toolbox.
% This program is based on rddata.m by Robert Tratnig.
% The algorithm was based on a program written by Klaus Rheinberger.
% 10May05 - Updated so output file name was how I wanted it
% 17 May 2005 - Added check that input contains exactly two signals -- GBM
clc; clear all; close all;
% Get Data & User Inputs
PATH = input('Path Where Data Is Stored, Else Leave Blank = ','s');
FILE = input('ECG File Name = ','s'); % Input String Filename
HEADERFILE = strcat(FILE,'.hea'); % Header In TXT Format
ATRFILE = strcat(FILE,'.atr'); % Attributes In Binary Format
DATAFILE = strcat(FILE,'.dat'); % ECG Data File
SAMPLESTART = input('ECG Start Time = ','s');
SAMPLEEND = input('ECG End Time = ','s');
SAMPLESTART_1 = str2num(SAMPLESTART); % The Start Time In Seconds
SAMPLEEND_1 = str2num(SAMPLEEND); % The End Time In Seconds
% Load Header Data
% clear A;
info = wfdbdesc(FILE,false);
sfreq = info.samplingFrequency; % Sample Rate Of Data
SAMPLESTART_2 = sfreq * SAMPLESTART_1; % Samples/Second * Seconds
SAMPLEEND_2 = sfreq * SAMPLEEND_1; % Samples/Second * Seconds
nosig = length(info.groups.signals); % Number Of Signals
if nosig ~= 2
error('Error: Input must have exactly 2 signals');
for k = 1:nosig
dformat(k) = info.groups.storageFormat; % Format - 212 Only
gain(k) = info.groups.signals(k).gain; % Integers Per mV
%bitres(k) = A(3); % Bit Resolution
zerovalue(k) = info.groups.signals(k).adcZero; % Value Of ECG Zero Point
firstvalue(k) = info.groups.signals(k).initVal; % First Value Of Signal
% Fix Minor Data Problems
if SAMPLESTART_2 == 0 % If User Starts At Zero
SAMPLESTART_2 = 1; % We Start At The First Entry
if SAMPLEEND_1 == 0 % If User Wants To End At Zero
error('Error: Results In No ECG Data');
if SAMPLESTART_1 < 0 | SAMPLEEND_1 < 0 % If User Enters Negative Time
error('Error: ECG Start & End Time Must Be Positive');
if SAMPLESTART_1 > SAMPLEEND_1 % If User Sets End Before Start
error('Error: ECG Start Time Should Be Before ECG End Time');
switch nosig
case 2
TIME = (0:(SAMPLEEND_2 - 1))/sfreq;
case 1
TIME = (0:2*(SAMPLEEND_2)-1)/sfreq;
disp('Error: Sorting Algorithm For > 2 Signals Not Programmed Yet!');
annotation = rdann(FILE,'atr', 'start', ['00:00:' SAMPLESTART], 'stop', ['00:00:' SAMPLEEND]);
signal = rdsamp(FILE, 'begin', ['00:00:' SAMPLESTART], 'stop', ['00:00:' SAMPLEEND]);
ECG_1 = (signal(:,2)- zerovalue(1))./gain(1);
ECG_2 = (signal(:,3)- zerovalue(2))./gain(2);
for i = 1 : length(annotation)
ATRTIMED(i) = annotation(i).timeInSeconds;
% Display Data
figure(1); clf, box on, hold on
plot(Time_Adjusted, ECG_1,'r');
if nosig == 2
plot(Time_Adjusted, ECG_2,'b');
for k = 1:length(ATRTIMED)
text(ATRTIMED(k),0, annotation(k).typeMnemonic);
xlim([Time_Adjusted(1), Time_Adjusted(end)]);
xlabel('Time (Seconds)'); ylabel('Voltage (mV)');
string = ['ECG Signal ',DATAFILE];
fprintf(1,'\\n$> DISPLAYING DATA FINISHED \n');
% Output Data File Into Current Working Directory
save(strcat(FILE,'_ECG_',SAMPLESTART,'_',SAMPLEEND) ...
, 'ECG_1' , 'ECG_2' , 'Time_Adjusted');
fprintf(1,'\\n$> ALL FINISHED \n');
% End Of Code