Need help!!on my final year project (i am eleactronic studen

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Newbie level 3
May 28, 2007
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guys, i wan to do a home automation with is using hand phone to control the home device.

any idea how to start it??it would be better if got reference^^


First learn to how use RX and TX module. Zigbee modules seem to be popular these days.

Then learn how to interface the RX and TX module with a PIC using UART.

Re: Need help!!on my final year project (i am eleactronic st


Would you please tell me which websites offer some knowledges for these?Thank you.

if i want to used blue tooth to control the home device i need to learn which one???

thanks a lot

Added after 7 minutes:

i have only very basic knowledge in electronics, and i hope u can guide me through the steps of making this.
i.e what to buy, what to learn first..etc
i apologize for my English.

yes i have read about phone control I think SIEMENS do have new technology in this feild. if you visit thier web site i am sure you will have clear idea to help you in your project

Re: Need help!!on my final year project (i am eleactronic st

hmm..can i know how to use bluetooth to control home device?zigbee module is to set up the network only right?where can i learn to use these technology like zigbee, tx, rx and should i learn also IR receiver???

thank for help

Added after 5 minutes:

i do check for the SIEMENS web site but there was just an introduction...both software and hardware part on me was poor because i never do any project before i only know how to trouble shooting circuit...

i really new in do project so hope u guy can give me a clear guide ^^

thanks advance..

Re: Need help!!on my final year project (i am eleactronic st

icefish85 said:
i have only very basic knowledge in electronics, and i hope u can guide me through the steps of making this.

Icefish85, perhaps you should do a project in an area you're comfortable with.
Doing your final project and us do all the work is not right. Choose an area you're good at and familiar with.

Secondly, you have very basic knowledge in electronics? How is that gonna help you? Unless you purchase everything off the shelf, home automation from scratch is not an easy thing. Take my advice and do something else....

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