Need help on buiding a DC motor

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 16, 2004
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I wanted to build a DC motor for RC cars......
so can anyone recommend some information on building a DC motor?


What LEVEL of involment do you WANT .. Do you want TO DESIGN it very precisely .I MEAN build a MODEL SIMULATE it . Do you want to UNDERSTAND all the TECNOLOGY or you JUST NEED a PROJECT on how to MANUFATURE it??

johncsl82 said:
I wanted to build a DC motor for RC cars......
so can anyone recommend some information on building a DC motor?
Don't think it's a good idea to 'fabricate' the DC motor yourself. In my opinion, it's more cheaper to buy those off-the-shelf DC motors.

Hi johncsl82 ,
Do you want to build a DC motor or a circuit to control it ?

Hi johncsl82 ,
Do you want to build a DC motor or a circuit to control it ?

DC Motor

hmm.. interesting..

DC motor or servo motor?

Rc cars use both

if can both...........


well.... anyone care to provide some information...........

I don't get the point why you would want to build a motor when its easier and cheaper buying one.
Btw you can easily build a working model of motor but it won't be compact,usable and efficient like the commercial ones.I had built one just to demostrate how motors work.

you need some magnets , some isolated wire and a rotor
to make dc motor

johncsl82 said:
...anyone care to provide some information...
Do you want to build one using the stator and rotor of OLD dc motor, or want to build one from scratch?

The latter one you need:
1) soft iron sheet (for lamination of stator and rotor)
2) enamel wire (for winding)
3) permanent magnet (optional)
4) commutator
5) resin
6) wire-cutting machine (to cut the soft iron sheet into required shape)
7) latch machine (to machine shaft)

If you have these things, then you can do it.

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