xilinx and altera provide floating point IP cores. try using them?
or just get matlab to generate the expected results.
I have compared my result with xilinx ip core. But xilinx ip core also doesn't support fully to IEEE 754 standard like
1. it doesn't consider denormal number at input side.
2. it consider only one rounding mode (round to nearest ties to even).
same limitation with altera ip core.
whatever feature xilinx IP core support I have checked that with my design and its working very well.
But my design considers denormal numbers at input side and other 4 rounding mode mentioned in IEEE 754 standard
I am not getting how to verify these conditions....
So here I got stucked........
So please guide me in this.....
- - - Updated - - -
just get matlab to generate the expected results.
How can I take help from matlab for this....
I have tried with matlab earlier but couldn't get right way.
Can you please elaborate something in this ..
thanks again.....