Need help in Sonnect 10.51

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Newbie level 6
Jan 6, 2006
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Who knows how to use this software, it is downloaded at the website **broken link removed** , anyone has this tutorials? pls reply.. need help urgently....

When you create new project it automatically opens the Quick Start Guide window on the right ....This Guide will help you through the steps of building your circuit...
simply follow the instructions & click on Next option to proceed at the end you should be able to simulate circuites in couple of minutes...

If not Go to Help => Quick Start Guide....



    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
eh.. thanks so much. i have find some guides over at "help" click. i am designing jus a simple patch antenna will do for 3-5 Ghz. and i have calculated the width and height, but i not sure if it's good... can this program guides us on how to design? and i also have problem simulates, i save all the SONNET files in c drives, but when i want to analyse the project, it gives error code=2, i go the website and dunno what is the error about? it say ; ERROR: Cannot execute : "C:\PROGRA~1.51\\bin\\lmgrd.exe"-app-c"... and some other files. u know what error is that?

Hello Suyan,

Post your sonnet problem at the following sonnet forum, you will get the detailed reply...

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**


Hi Suyan -- The program that the error message says can not be executed is the license manager.

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