need help in parameter sweep in Hspice!

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May 23, 2004
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hspice parameter sweep

Please see page34~35 in the lecture notes of my attachment.
On page 35 there is a plot which is generated by sweeping vstar and see the Ids.
Here vstar is a voltage definited by 2*Id/gm.
I'm wonder how i can plot this using Hspice or Spectre.
As we know, dc sweep can only sweep independent sources or parameters.

Can anyone help me with this? thanks

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hspice sweep parameter

This is probably most straigh-forward using HSpice.

First diode connect a transistor of any size and connect a DC source to the gate/drain. That will be your DC sweep.

Add the following lines to your spice deck.

.probe vstar = par('2*i(m1)/gmo(m1)')
.probe id = par('i(m1)')

This is assuming you have named your transistor "M1."

This creates the variables vstar and id in the choices when you go to plot the data. I believe they can be found under the "parameters" category in AWaves. I haven't done this recently, so I don't remember the exact names of the windows and such. But look around the AWaves window. You can also choose to set vstar as the x-axis, which is what you want.

hspice sweep

jayc said:
You can also choose to set vstar as the x-axis, which is what you want.

could you tell me how to choose vstar as the x-axis?

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