this circuit seems interesting and I wanted to simulate and construct it, but the problem is I do not know what do the 3 symbols in the circuit represent (1 in audio input, 1 in the middle, and 1 at the antenna). I have never come across with these symbols before.
Can someone lend a little help here ? appreciate that
thank you
the connector between oscillator and amplifier is used, because normaly the oscillator and the amplfier are in separate cases to protect the circuit against trouble of unwanted coupling.
I think that's just showing the shell going to ground, not the center pin. It's kind of an unconventional way of showing it, but I think the intent is to show C9, C10 and the shell of the connector going to ground. I wouldn't have drawn it that way.
The gray outline is to show the two sections are not built as one unit, the connector should really show a plug and socket rather than just a connector.
In the real World, if you build it as one unit, each gray 'box' should be screened from the other and the middle connector used to join them together.
Yes. Technically speaking you should take into account the losses in the connectors but for practical putposes you can ignore them and assume they are simply wired straight through.
The middle coaxial connector is the connection to the final RF-amplifier. At this connector you have a modulated RF signal. Only at the left connector you have the audio signal.