Need help in designing a transmitter and receiver.

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Newbie level 1
Apr 5, 2011
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my assignment was to build some thing like this.

[analog input]--->[ band limiting filter]--->[ PCM Encoder]--->[ASK modulator]--->[Wireless channel]--->[ASK demodulator]--->[PCM Decoder]--->[Lowpass filter]--->[analog output]

i really don't have a slight idea on how to start, can any one of you help me in designing the circuit? or any reference that i can go through?

That's not a circuit... that's a complete system (many circuits... some of them decently complex). If I needed to build it quickly, I'd start searching the major electronic vendors (Analog Devices, National Semi, TI, MACOM, etc) for some of these parts (encoders, modulators) in pre-built modules.

Is this design supposed to be fabricated, or this just an on-paper design for a class?

It is only the RF part of the project. On the transmission side a micro must measure the data, encode it and do the transmission protocol to the receiver. On the reception side a micro must do the comms protocol and, decode the information and display / store the data. To do everything from scratch is a very big project

Definitely go look at pre-built modules. You might go look at some coplete radio modules... Zigbee is a name that comes to mind, I had used a Coyote Datacom radio module for a project back in college. Something like these products might fit the bill. Google to find other manufacturers, also searching the forum here for the term "radio" might turn up some hits for radio/microcontroller projects from other people.

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