Did I mention I don´t like this circuit? Maybe you now get some clue "why".
To the circuit.
You correctly calculated the "regulated" current to be 0.92mA
But the simulation is far away from "accurate" 0.92mA.
Again some simple Ohm´s law (which I do here for the last time.. because imho ofter 6 years mebership on edaboard it´s high time that you can do this on your own)
Let´s say Pt1000 to be 1kOhm.
Now let´s do some math for the path: 3.3V -> R1 -> BE of Q1 --> RS --> PT1000. but back from bottom to top.
* Voltage across PT1000 = 1k x 0.92mA = 0.92V
* Voltage across RS: 2.495V
* Voltage across BE: 0.55V
* Voltage across R1= the rest to add up to 3.3V: 3.3V - (0.92V + 2.495V + 0.55V ) = 3.3V - (3.965V) .... ALARM! the value in the brackets already is HIGHER than 3.3V
and the voltage across R1 can´t be negative (it is no power source, no battery)
--> thus, simple answer: it´s impossible to work!
If you use the TL431, then the 2.495V (and tolerance) is unavoidable.
now if you use a 3.3V supply, then remaining voltage for the rest is 3.3V - 2.495V = 0.805V
Now V_BE of a standard Bjt may be in the range of 0.55V mabe 0.6V.
So subtract the 0.6V from the 0.8V and you get tiny 0.2V for (R1 + PT1000)
The electrical problem is a simple as stapling boxes of different heights in a room with a dedicated height.
If a room is 3.3 (no matter whether you want to use feet, meters, yards...) in height and you have 4 boxes to staple to exactly match the height of the room.
Name the boxes: R1, Q1, RS, PT1000,
Name the height of the boxes: V_R1, V_BE_Q1, V_RS (which is VRef of TL431), V_PT1000.
If one box is 2.945 in height and the other box is 0.805 in height you can´t staple them in a room of 3.3 height. It´s impossible.
.. and for sure you can´t staple 2 additional boxes. Boxes can´t be of negative height.
So either you need to adjust the height of the boxes, or the height of the room, or both.
For sure you may play around with constant current sources .. if you have high enough supply voltage.
If you use a microcontroller and want a simple solution: use VRef of the ADC and a 1k resistor. Then do the simple math in software. It´s easy and it´s precise, cheap, small...
We don´t know your requirements. And there may be situations where you can´t get around a true constant current source (like using a DVM across the PT1000).
Maybe this is a school project .. and you need to use a constant current source .. we don´t know.
But maybe it´s an application and your requirement is: read temperature (from time to time) in the range of MIN .. to MAX with max error of MAX_ERR.
Then tell us these three values marked in capital letters.