need help in c programming

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Newbie level 4
Nov 23, 2003
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hi all
i need to know if we can write a c program that can read the coefficients a, b,c and d of the equation: ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0
and by considering all the cases...
waiting the answer ...and thanks all

Its a very easy program. If you know c or basic you can write this program very easy.

Vicent Yang

have you a code source in basic for that,if yes can you upload it ?

You can genetic algorithms to solve this, but I think its too hard for a newbie.

why not use perl

hi Vicent Yang
i need from you to write the program to me but in c language....and plz let it clear
and plz dont write two words and tell me this is the program....i need it complete....
and thanks so much


Do you need c program to solve this equation ?


yes i need a c program to solve this equation

Mostafa this is really funny you are asking for help in C programming and after a few questions asked by some members you finally want someone to write a program for you ...

Why did you not ask in the title of your post that you want somebody to write a C program for you??

best regards

Question though may seem easy to be solved by machine. but answer is not trivial . you need to consider all possible combination of a,b,c and d to satisfy the equation.
Did you have any constraint of these variable i.e upper and lower bound.

First try to find a simplest mathematical experesion for this

i know how to solve it manually by matrix . and also there is cardan's method to solve it.,..but it is hard to me as a beginner to know how to do program for this....

Here's a c program. I got the algorithm from a website. I'm not familier with the matrix method, if you can explain it, then I may try it for you.


ok thanks i have got it, and there is no need to matrix

i think that thinking is better than copying. u are paying money in your university for learning and not for copying.

nice advice hassnan
but for your own informations, i am not copying i was thinking about it, and i didnt found a solution and when i knew the solution i will save it in my mind and that's a kind of good learning

do you have any numerical method knowledge? if not, then try to seek for some numerical method reference to solve it. in numerical methods, u just need to initiate a guess value to start iterating to your solution (just as wat most mathematic software like Mathcad does). hope may help u! MErry Xmas

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