need help for my project regarding proteus ....

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Newbie level 5
Mar 28, 2010
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Iam doing casual project on INFRARED REMOTE SWITCHING SYSTEM...i want to simulate it on PROTEUS but i am not finding TSOP 1738 remote sensor in da components.

IS there any equvalent circuit which replaces that circuit plzz give me some idea.

Dear my friend

I Think this link will help you about some information a bout IR

**broken link removed**

If it help you please press helped me

Best Regards

Even in INFRARED [IR] also there is a HIGH and LOW logic only... For example If IR Receiver receives IR signal logic is 0 and there is no IR signal then the logic will be 1... Instead of simulation you can directly... If you have breadboard then you can try with that one... Its a quite simple logic... Keep it in mind that IR transmitter needs 36kHz clock to transmit IR signals...

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thank u ..i read the about working of IR but my problem is
Iam designing above circuit in proteus software..but i didnt find TSOP IR component in proteus..can u suggest the alternative design or code for abv circuit ....

my idea of designing is....iam interfacing 4 bulbs to microcontroller and iam controlling them through TV remote...

When button 1 is pressed: All the bulbs glow

When button 4 is pressed: Bulb 1 glows
When button 4 is pressed again: bulb 1 switches off.

When button 5 is pressed: Bulb 2 glows
When button 5 is pressed again: bulb 1 switches off.

When button 6 is pressed: Bulb 3 glows
When button 6 is pressed again: bulb 1 switches off.

When button 7 is pressed: Bulb 4 glows
When button 7 is pressed again: bulb 1 switches off.

iam not finding TSOP 1738 component in proteus s/ can i do coding without IR to glow the bulbs in that fashion ...suggest me some ideas in coding...if possible any changes in d circuit
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