Need help for Matlab Fcn Block in simulink

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Newbie level 6
Jul 10, 2009
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simulink fcn block

Hi all
I need an urgent help on Matlab Fcn block in simulink. I have created a M-file of LS code generator. Now i need to incorporate with a transmitter model in simulink. But I couldnt call the M file in simulink. Can anyonone help plss?? If anyone have the simulink model example of CDMA transmitter with using PN code can you plss send me??
I would be grateful if anyone can help me in this regard.
Thank you


matlab fcn

in simulink you can call .m file also..

easy way to define your routine with some functionname...
then call that fuction in simulink..


calling m file from simulink

Thank you very much. The problem is i dont know how to call M file in simulink. Can you plss let know which block to use between code generator and MPSK modulator. My code generator output is combination of 0,1,-1. how to connect the 8 PSK modulator?


block in simulink

easy dude,,,...

type simulink in matlab command prompt .
go to user defined fuctions... in simulink library browser..

i won't have much communication idea.. so rest can be find out by else..


para que + matlab fcn

Thank you for you reply. Actually, I have designed a sequence generator in matlab. Now i need to build a simulink model for that code generator. I need to do the model. i will be grateful if you can help me in this. i can send the matlab code of that generator.

Thank you.

simulink if then else user defined function

make it clear...

u have wrote some code for generating sequence....

now you want to convert .m to .mdl, isn't it..

simple you call some function and run in simulink...

in simulink also u will find so many built-in sequence generator...

be specific,,


using fcn block in simulink

hi i need a cdma transmitter diagram with multiple users and i dont know how to go about it. thanks

i need to use use the matlab function block in simulink user defined functions menu. But the problem is, i need the matlab function block to have two inputs and one output. how to increase the number of input ports in the matlab function block?

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