Automatic facial expression recognition using facial animation parameters and multistream HMMs
Aleksic, P.S. ; Katsaggelos, A.K.,Information Forensics and Security
Facial Expression Recognition in Image Sequences Using Geometric Deformation Features and Support Vector Machines
Kotsia, I. ; Pitas, I.Image Processing,
Bilinear Models for 3-D Face and Facial Expression Recognition
Mpiperis, I. ; Malassiotis, S. ; Strintzis, M.G., Information Forensics and Security,
Recognition of facial expressions and measurement of levels of interest from video
Yeasin, M. ; Bullot, B. ; Sharma, R., Multimedia,
Detection of moving cast shadows for object segmentation
Stander, J. ; Mech, Roland ; Ostermann, J.,Multimedia,
Learning to Detect Moving Shadows in Dynamic Environments
Joshi, A.J. ; Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, All these are IEEE journal papers.
Modeling facial expression space for recognition Yuwen Wu ; Hong Liu ; Hongbin Zha
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005. although its a conference paper