Need help for DS89C450-k00 (Evaluation kit)

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Oct 28, 2005
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89c450 mtk2

i am newbie in this forum as well as in microcontroller world.

I had a new DS89C450-k00 (Evaluation kit) with DS89C450 day before yesterday. But still i can not start it. I followed the instructions given in the quick start guide.

1) Connect the DC 6V–9V, center post positive power supply to the power plug J1.
2) Connect a DB9 straight-through serial cable between the PC COM1 port and connector J2.
3) Set DIP switches SW1.1, SW1.2, SW1.3, SW4.1, and SW4.2 ON. All other DIP switches should be OFF.
4) Turn power ON. All the LEDs should light except for the second from the right.
5) Open MTK. In the initial dialog box, select the type of processor you are using (DS89C430, DS89C440, or
6) Select Options -> Configure Serial Port from the menu. Enter COM1 and 14400 baud.
7) Select Target -> Open COM1 at 14400 baud.
8) Select Target -> Connect to Loader.

Here all go fine. But when I select Target -> Connect to Loader , then either of the following messeges come-

"ÍLoader not responding
Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files."

"Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files."

When I try to start it in debug mode then the following messege comes-

Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files."

When I changed voltage of the adapter today then MTK showed
some garbage characters.

I am using-
1. 9v, 400mA adapter.
2. windows XP
3. tried both MTK2.2 and MTK 2.3

Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

In the MTK select the lowest security level (1), otherwise you will lock security bits ..
Then try to use two commands (K and L) that I descreibed in these posts:


and how the data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control.
and the baud rate 14400??

Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files."
It looks you don't have communication between PC and MCU ..
Check speed as with 11,059200 crystal it is 19.2kbs ..
I don't have evaluation kit so it is difficult to follow what these switches do, and whether this kit is controlled by DTR line, but make sure that EA and PSEN lines are OV and RST is +5V .. otherwise you will not be able to access the loader ..

Thanks for your replies. But I am still in trouble and couldn’t solve this problem.

It sounds that the board is not connected wit the computer. But when I change voltage of the adapter or change the polarity then some garbage value is printed in the MTK screen.

I can not try as the prompt doesn’t appear at all.

As per your instruction I set the security level into level1. but no change.

Sometimes when I press target>connect loader then the following text appears-


Loader not responding
Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files.

Why the garbage value comes?

What are the possible causes of this problem? Is this for the crystal?

Please help me solve this problem.

Thank you,
Md. Mahbubur Rasheed


This garbage may be generated by the RS-232 driver IC on the evaluation board (MAX-232 or similar) when the supply voltage fluctuates or is to low .. At this stage I wouldn't worry much about it ..

Have you tried to select 19,200bps and have you checked what exactly do the SWs?
Do they select the correct configuration of EA, PSE< and RST pins?

Have you tried to select 19,200bps and have you checked what exactly do the SWs?

=> I tried 19200 bps ,and also all possible speed. but nothing happened.

Do they select the correct configuration of EA, PSE< and RST pins?

=> I configured as the quick starting guide.

I just now bought a 16Mhz crystal and tried. But problem remains same.

Would you please tell me the possible causes that may create this error? Or any new solutions that I may try?

Thank you

Why would you try 16MHz crystal?
Iwould say 11,0592 should be fine and the baud rate of 19.2kbps will do the job ..

Anyhow, other thing to test is that before you try to establish connection with the "target" (89C450) try to switch the power off and on to the evaluation kit .. just to reset the mcu ..


In the mean time I made some experiments on my new DS89C450-k00. Please tell me now exactly what am I missing or where the problem is?

1. I connected both serial ports in two computers and switch on sw1.8 with default switches (sw1.1, sw1.2, sw1.3. sw4.1 and sw4.2). Many garbage values
start coming in the output computer’s MTK (connected with J3) until I turn off the sw1.8 switch.


Again when I turn on sw1.8 and turn off sw1.2 and sw1.3 then no garbage value
comes. On the other hand in the input computer’s MTK (connected with J2) the following messages come-

“(garbage value)R<OD><OA>
CDid not receive R prompt
Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files.”

2. CPLD system test works fine. That is – “Turning DIP switches SW4.4 on puts
the CPLD into a test mode; press SW3 to toggle the LEDs.”

3. As you suggested when I turn the power on of the adapter then all LEDs
except the second right LED become on.

4. In debagging mode the following texts come-
Unable to establish communication with target.
Check connection to target system or consult help files.”

5. I tried in dumb mode, and in all bauds available. But nothing happens.

I guess I am making any stupid mistake and that’s for why the system is not working.

Would you please suggest me any test to pin point the exact problem?

Thank you

I can't advice you on switches..
On the other hand this stuff: looks like mismatch in the baud rate ..

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