Need Help for Antenna design in ADS (Urgent)

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Newbie level 4
Oct 24, 2013
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Hi everyone ,
please help me with tutorials to study coupling between transmitting and receiving antenna in ADS.I have designed microstrip patch antenna operating at 2.1 GHZ.If anyone is working on antenna design in ADS please help me with some idea.

I doubt if it is possible to do antenna as receiver analysis like that. coz if u place a copy of ur antenna to be acting as a receiver at a distance, it will be as though u have place a tx antenna patch and rx antenna patch on same substrate. on top they both have to be on same plane, trying to put ur antennas different direction or angle will not be possible.

I suggest u export ur antenna file to HFSS or CST and do ur analysis there..!!

Thanks for your quick response.I am working on antenna design in ADS and have designed CPW fed patch antenna but am getting errors for port assignment for CPW structure. Can you please help me with some idea on working for port excitation for CPW structure in ADS.Thanks.

Hi Iray,

You need to set one pin (i.e., the center conductor) to "port 1", and then attach a pin to both grounds of the CPW and set them both to "ground reference", and select the "port 1" as the referee pin.

Thank you for your quick response.Do i need to connect both the ground plane with wire and then assign a common pin to both the ground plane or assign two different pins to both the ground plane?I am working in ADS 2011? Thanks.

Assign two different pins, one to each of the CPW "grounds". If they are both set to be a ground reference for the center conductor pin, then this will equalize the potentials, and you don't need to physically connect them.

This is, of course, only at the port. If you need to suppress the coupled slotline mode further into your circuit, creating air bridges (or vias to a conductor backing) are really your only options. However, if your antenna feedline are short, you won't need to worry about this.

I just began to learn ADS.I tried to simulate the cpw structure with two different pins for two ground plane and one pin for the central conductor but i received a different frequency response(S12) than expected(s11). Can you please help me with further help on setting two ground plane as a ground reference for the central conductor?Thanks.

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