[SOLVED] Need Help About Proload from Sunrom tech for AT89C55WD here?

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Apr 9, 2009
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sunrom proload 4

Can anyone please let me know if they are using the sunrom AT89C55WD rapid development board from Sunrom technologies (www.sunrom.com) ?

Are you using Proload to program your AT89C55WD dev board?
i facing problem in programing AT89C55WD in verify sector
AT89C55WD not proper programed .plz help me

Re: Need Help About Proload from Sunrom tech for AT89C55WD h

Hai asif_ts
As per the screen shot you have given here, There are Three possible problems.
1. The chip is not good.
2. The Supply to the programmer must be Preferably AC-15v through Wall adaptor. SMPS will not work and give the problem with verify. Drop in the adaptor supply will result in verify fail.
3. The zif socket and the Micro pins are not connected well due to oxidation.(may be a old chip or a ZiF socket)

Your problem must be solved within these 3 possibilities. Helped you?....Good luck

Hi thanks for help me
but my problem not solve
my all parts its working good other device
i think this not properly removed or blank a used micro controller ...if u some help me plz reply

Hai Asif_ts
If you can program other devices and not this particular device, there may be some problem with this micro. Use a new one and see the voltages are in the range given in my last post. Good luck

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