Hi All, I am very new here
I have collect the following c-code for 20V LCD Voltmeter using pic16F688, now i want to activate RA0 pin high when LCD voltage is grater than or equal 10.0v, what is the change need in this code? Please help....
char Message1[] = "DVM Project";
unsigned int ADC_Value, DisplayVolt;
char *volt = "00.0";
void main() {
ANSEL = 0b00000100; // RA2/AN2 is analog input
ADCON0 = 0b00001000; // Analog channel select @ AN2
ADCON1 = 0x00; // Reference voltage is Vdd
CMCON0 = 0x07 ; // Disable comparators
TRISC = 0b00000000; // PORTC All Outputs
TRISA = 0b00001100; // PORTA All Outputs, Except RA3 and RA2
Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // CLEAR display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
do {
ADC_Value = ADC_Read(2);
DisplayVolt = ADC_Value * 2;
volt[0] = DisplayVolt/1000 + 48;
volt[1] = (DisplayVolt/100)%10 + 48;
volt[3] = (DisplayVolt/10)%10 + 48;
delay_ms(500); // Hold for 500 ms
} while(1);
} // End main()