need circuit to switch 315vdc to 220vac

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pls someone help for this circuit or for the design

This is my first post on this forum which seems to have some really fantastic contributors and information. When stumbling across an extraordinarily broad questions like this, I decided to chime in.

Have you even attempted to help yourself by doing any amount a research on how this may be done? What you are asking is something that requires a TON of work just to figure out where to start. You will likely never get an answer from a question like this, but rather a mountain of more questions that you have to answer. For me (I design power electronics for a living) I would not be too keen to do the entire project for you as you are asking, but I would offer what I could if I saw that any effort at all was being made to help yourself.

I hope that makes sense, I am not trying to be rude at all. Just trying to give you a fighting chance of getting somewhere.

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