Need cheap thermal camera with "max temperature hold and display"


Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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Hi , we are seeking a cheap hand held thermal camera for general electronics useage. Eg prototype
SMPS PCB bring up, and general short cct hunting, etc.

We want cheap.

Like good resolution..... but cheap is the word.

A "Must have" feature is "continuous maximum temperature indication".
This is where, even if you cant hold your hand still, the hottest thing in the "window"
has a marker over it which gives its temperature in text.

So, do you have cheaper options than the following HT-04?

HT-04 thermal camera ($329)

If its battery operated only then so be it, but we would , in that case, like to
be able to hack it up so we can power
it from a mains wall wart. Otherwise these things eat batteries like crazy.

The following is also good, but we wonder if it can be connected to a laptop if we dont have a smartphone. Also, its spec sheet doesnt tell if it has "max temperature hold and display"



The uniT T120 looks good, but none of them tell if they have max temperature continuous indication....they are useless without this.
They are utterly useless if you have to point exactly at the hottest spot all the time in order to stay on it........the cam should continuously tell what is the hottest spot in the window.

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Also, is it possible to use the "Mobile phone" one with a laptop instead.....i dont think a laptop can get android op system.?


have a look on the UTi 120M
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.... it's really cheap. Also you can add an analysis object, which should show you the max temperature within this object. Of course, the resolution not stellar.

have a look on the UTi 120M
...thanks, though its impossible to say if it can be used with a laptop?

It seems odd that they dont just make one that can be plugged into a usb cable connected to a laptop.

Commercial-style videos interrupt my Youtube viewing, telling about this or that latest high-tech camera enhancer that clips onto our smartphones. Some models have night-vision. I suspect somewhere in the world is a little-known company marketing exactly the low-cost add-on thermal imager you're looking for.

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