need advice regarding advanced course in Highspeed PCB Desgn

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Full Member level 3
Feb 28, 2007
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need advice..

Dear friends, i need your advice regarding something which i feel may be important for my future.
A company is organizing an advanced course in Highspeed PCB Design.
the course details are as follows

to add to this, i have recently undertaken following courses
1) AVR based microcontroller and Embedded system from Indian institute of information technology, pune.

2)Network management based on linux from IIM-C.

3) and few small courses/workshops on basic robotics.

Hence considering what i have done, i request your advice should i do this course?
how will it affect me in future?
To what extent it will help me secure a job in electronics industry?

Your help will be sincerely appreciated.

Re: need advice..

Hi PCB Design is ok getting nice Electronic job.Embedded Design is best for now compare to VLSI/PCB priority is Embedded....PCB...VLSI..U r course module is ok but Consider how they give Placements??? mean ..% of asuurence..

This is my openioun...Best of luck.....Happy New Year...


Re: need advice..


If you need advice; please remember you are engineer and the engineer can learn every thing even chanees language. I am sure there is no thing in the science not useful.

when your company decided to do this course, i am sure they have their future lines and may be the need to generate an intelegent persons in these lines or fields.

Take an example: my company decided to give us a new course in some thing not in our lines but after that they creats these fields and i am become one of these fields engineer, after that i became advanced field support in this field.

With my best wishes.........................

Re: need advice..

Dear sir,
I guess u have misunderstood, i am still a third year engineering and am considering this course as possible aid to my placements in coming year.

also to add, the course is being conducted by a college in tie-up with a private electronic firm working on PCB design.

need advice..

Oh my god i am so sorrry

realy i am sory

need advice..

The course is being conducted by Indian institute of information technology,pune and GenX Wire graph India Pvt. Ltd and CADENCE Design Systems.
I am not aware of repute of these two private firms but i consider i2it has good reputation.
beside, what exactly is advance high speed PCB design?

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