Re: low area ADC
There are many factors to be considered when choosing a data
converte.When selecting an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for a particular
application, a good first criteria is to look at the topology of the ADC.
SAR---->Simple operation, lowcost, low power.
Delta-Sigma---->Slow, moderate cost.
Flash---->Fast, expensive, large power requirements.
Pipeline---->Fast, expensive, large power requirements.
The most popular and versatile converter is the Successive
Approximation Register (SAR) type.
you must use serial type ADC to save this condition i suggest you to use AD7766 (see data sheet for more information) .Serial devices tend to be slower, dissipate less power (modern converters tend to have auto powerdown between samples) and take up less PWB (Printed wiring board) area
for more information see the following link: