Newbie level 5
Hi everyone
I have downloaded a code and I want to use it in IAR for stm8 software.
This error occurs during compilation:
The error is related to the following line:
I would be grateful if the experts of this forum could help to solve this problem.
I have downloaded a code and I want to use it in IAR for stm8 software.
// delay v1.0
// delays are limited by F_CPU * x overflowing 32bit integer value
#ifndef _UTIL_DELAY_H_
#define _UTIL_DELAY_H_ 1
#ifndef F_CPU
#warning F_CPU is not defined!
* Func delayed N cycles, where N = 3 + ( ticks * 3 )
* so, ticks = ( N - 3 ) / 3, minimum delay is 6 CLK
* when tick = 1, because 0 equels 65535
static @inline void _delay_cycl( unsigned short __ticks )
#if defined(__CSMC__)
/* COSMIC */
//#define T_COUNT(x) (( F_CPU * x / 1000000UL )-3)/3) // pùvodní varianta byla pøesnìjší ale hrozila podtíkáním
#define T_COUNT(x) (((( F_CPU * x / 1000000UL ))/3)+1)
// ldw X, __ticks ; insert automaticaly
_asm("nop\n $N:\n decw X\n jrne $L\n nop\n ", __ticks);
#elif defined(__SDCC)
//#define T_COUNT(x) (( F_CPU * x / 1000000UL )-5)/5) // pùvodní varianta byla pøesnìjší ale hrozila podtíkáním
#define T_COUNT(x) (((( F_CPU * x / 1000000UL ))/5)+1)
__asm__("nop\n nop\n");
do { // ASM: ldw X, #tick; lab$: decw X; tnzw X; jrne lab$
__ticks--;// 2c; 1c; 2c ; 1/2c
} while ( __ticks );
#elif defined(__RCST7__)
#error ToDo for RAISONANCE
#elif defined(__ICCSTM8__)
/* IAR */
#error ToDo for IAR
#error Unsupported Compiler! /* Compiler defines not found */
Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: ToDo for IAR L:\شرکت\پروژه ها\Gps\Code\6 - rah andazi lcd\8\delay.h 37
#error ToDo for IAR