Need a suggestion for a PCB designing software

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Full Member level 5
Oct 9, 2013
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Hi! I need a suggestion for an easy & complete PCB design software. Some major components that I'm using in my project are as follows:

MCP3901 IC - SSOP20
PIC18F45K22 - DIP40
Current sensing shunt
Ferrite bead SMD type
AC film capacitor
LCD display
MCP1702 voltage regulator
MCP2200 - SSOP20
IC isolator - SOIC8
Wire connectors, etc

I haven't made or design a PCB before. So it should be an easy one.

3 most powerful pcb softwares are: altium designer, mentor pads and orcad. but these softwares are available only for commercial use.
these software have complete libraries and you can easily put your parts on design. also there are many learning materials for these programs.
Thanx for the reply. Out of those Softwares what would be the most suited and the easiest one for my application? I got orcad student's edition.

orcad is one of the best. but the student version has some limitations such as limitation on size and layers. if your board is not
complicate you can use it or other free software such as expresspcb.

I thought expresspcb was restricted to only supply designs to the company that made the software rather than gerbers for anywhere.

Eagle may be a better program for a simple hobbyist PCB, if its only a hobbyist design and a one off then I would certainly steer clear of the above three packages previously mentioned.
There is also plenty of help and support for it on the web, you only have to ask the question and another Eagle user will answer it.

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