Need a bluetooth example with stm32wb55


Junior Member level 2
Oct 30, 2023
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A tittle is probably not the best for my question, but maybe someone did something with stm32wb55 and bluetooth? I thought that I can simple use some bluetooth serial terminals and connect my project to it, but in conclusion nothing worked as I thought. So probably the best option is to create an app with flutter or other program, but maybe can someone share their projects with app which was connected with stm32wb55? The best would be a code which helps me "activate" bluetooth communication and connect app with stm32 so I would start my journey with app ( I have never created one). You all will think, that just do google search and etc. I did, but I have only a few days to do this, so please help ((


To me it´s not clear
* what you did,
* what you tested,
* what you expected and
* what "did not work" as expected.

Please give useful informations. Schematic, sketches, code, complete error description.


Everything is overall written in this blog (not my project, but kinda same situation and now in this exact moment I can't share files).
I tried to connect bluetooth with serial bluetooth terminal where I could send and get info and my code just didn't work out, and it was a mess.
I want to see a ppm level from my gas sensor scd40 and also change led colors ( it is a custom board) and as I said at this moment I can't share files.
As I understand now, I need to make an app and connect it with stm32wb55, so one thing what I need is only an example of how people did that. Information about board, my code and etc. will not help, because nobody will create an app for me and etc. All I want is just a code example how other did their projetcs with BLE and stm32wb thats it.


if you can´t write how you tested it, what you did expect and what was not like expected ... I can´t help.

"I tried to drive a car ... but it did not work out" is way to vague to decide whether the car had no gas, the engine was defective, I had no car key, or I did not know how to drive a car at all.
It is no error description ... because it gives no information about the problem.

Bluetooth works without App, STM32 works without App, gas sensor works without App.
Maybe you just forgot to connet a power supply. We don´t know, unless you tell us.


if you want just to get data comming from your SM32 UART, no specific action to do,
simply connect a bluetooth (SSP protocle as default) as HC06 ( slave)
and dialogue with an android application as BlueTherminal or a android graphique App " BlueElectronics "
to display your datas ..
just associate booth Mac Adress ..

or with a more evoluate BT module as RN41 mikroE
you can work as Master or SLAVE , memorise the distant bluettooth to gat automatic reconnect.

or you can use a USB/Bluettoth key for a PC Terminal (virtual COM)

or connect a HC05 Master + TTL/USB converter => YAT Termnal PC

BLE protocole is more complicated..... but SSP mode can be used !

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