Need 24volt battery charger with 50Amps current

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Hi Deepone,

Could you please send me the diagram for this charger in order to be able to construct it.
Thanks in advance

ok, so pcb picture for this
and better if R2 must be 100 Ohm, not 50.
And, also - for this scheme it is need only ir2153. Not irs2153, ir2153D, irs2153DS. But with Viper (or any other aux ps) possible to use any version of ir2153.

Reactions: yousef azizi


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    yousef azizi

    Points: 2
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Thanks very much for your quick reply


Could you please send me the PCB design and component list the circuit

Thanks regards


If this about my scheme, that i draw it in PCB design program "DipTrace 2.107". Expect that for you will more simply draw same with use the more popular facilities.
Additionally you will be able to draw charges in accordance with electronic elements available for your dictation. For instance LED displays can be with different pin assignment.
I have no list of components - but on scheme all of these are marked.
On the other hand i can give PCB design files for you if certainly you elaborate what exactly it is necessary.

Apropos, here is new version of charger for car battery, but yet not ready.


  • c&
    5.6 KB · Views: 92
Last edited:
Reactions: tpetar


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worked version


  • c&
    5.8 KB · Views: 104
Reactions: tpetar


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corrected version )
be carefully, end charging voltage 16V (#define U_bat_st3 ((255 * 16 )/18))


  • C&
    6.1 KB · Views: 105

Hello my dear DeepOne
My input power is in DC 36 Volts not an AC and the current is 100Amps for me i need 25 Vdc Out and Maximum current Required for charging of more batteries in series

Thanks regards

Hello, dear Sreeindia.

if speech goes about Pb-acid 12V battery then i think for one battery charging it is necessary 15VDC as minimum (better 20 - 30 VDC if current stabilization present) - so two batteries in series needs 30 - 45 VDC, three - 45 - 60VDC.
i need 25 Vdc Out and Maximum current Required for charging of more batteries in series
from 24VDC possible to charge only one 12V battery, or several but connected in parallel.
From standpoint of the obtaining of battery maximum lifetime is better to have a separate charger for each 12V battery.

As per Exide Battery Specifications For 150 AH@ 2nos Required 28.7 Volts are maximum with solar Panels of 300watts @ 32vdc/10Amps each panel is producing like that i have 8 pnaels are there so total amps will come 80 amps max. if any solution is there please.

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