(nanoWatt) 16bit XLP Dev Board stuck in Deep Sleep mode

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Newbie level 4
Mar 13, 2013
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I've searched but found nothing relevant to solve my problem.
Environnement :
XLP 16 ... board
XC16 compiler

I recently aquired a nanoWatt 16bit XLP
(**broken link removed**)

I set up my developping environnement. It's fine exept 2 points :

1) When I run the demo of the board I don't get the capacitives touch to work
User Manual says: Press Switch 2 to alternate between mode:

"Pressing and holding S2 for more than two seconds selects the sensor input. Repeated
presses cycle between the temperature sensor, potentiometer, capacitive touch pads
and all three sensors at once."​

However I never get the capacitive mode.

2) When I get into the deep sleep mode I cannot get out of it

"Pressing and holding S3 for more than two seconds selects between Sleep, Deep
Sleep and Idle modes for the PIC24 microcontroller."​

So fine I press it and it changes from Sleep to Deep Sleep.
It works fine, so I press S3 again to go to the Idle mode => Nothing.
I keep reading a little and see:

"Because of the limited number of wake-up sources available in Deep Sleep mode, S3
can not wake the microcontroller."​

So what? How to get back to sleep mode?

I looked at jumper, they are positionned. I found nothing about this issue. I feel like I've missed a simple important step but can't figure out. :-?

I'll play with the demo-code in order to try to get those things working. Also I'll try on different environnement. But if you can show me the good direction it could help. :wink:

Edit : By commenting the "Deep Sleep" content of the main.c I managed to get through the Deep sleed mode and reach the Idle mode. However this is not a real solution :roll:
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That's a clever idea . As I was already registered here I used the occasion to ask .

Your quoting of the DevKit user's manual seems a bit arbitrary.
I keep reading a little and see:

"Because of the limited number of wake-up sources available in Deep Sleep mode, S3
can not wake the microcontroller."
Why don't you keep on reading?
Reading these next lines already answers some of your questions. For the full answer, it might be necessary to go into the code.

Sometime reading the full post may help~

I already read about that part.
But what's the point of using Switch 3 to toggle between the consumption mode if the Switch is desactivated as soon as you press it once?

S1 and S2 effectively wake up the device but it doesn't make it quit the deep sleep mode.

So I see no way to get into the Iddle mode for example without modifying the demo code. Which is a bit surprising for a demo. I feel like I'm missing something that's why I'm asking ^^'

After commenting the very line "l.148 DSCONbits.DSEN = 1;" I can go from Sleep => Deep Sleep => Idle mode, well in fact the device just don't go into the deep sleep mode.

Something interesting is that when you are in Idle Mode and reset the microC with S1, then it gets back to the Sleep mode and out of Idle mode.
I would have expected the device to do the same while in Deep Sleep, however in this mode the S1 button works (Text displayed : "Wake from Deep Sleep... MCLR") but it doesn't reset the microC (Otherwise the text displayed should be "MCLR reset occurred.")

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