My PC can't come out of TurboC !

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Junior Member level 3
Feb 26, 2004
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problem - working in tc

my pc doesn't come out tc when i finish working in c.all i can do is to restart and then move to windows,why do i come across this one.can anyone help resolve this. :?

Can you ellaborate on what is happening exactly.
If you can't do anything at all, then delete the Tc folder and copy the new one.

working in tc ....

sachin_chatekar said:
Can you ellaborate on what is happening exactly.
If you can't do anything at all, then delete the Tc folder and copy the new one.

when a swtich over to tc T'is fine ,but when i come out to windows, i can't c the desktop and i c a blank screen, but when i press windows key and shut down the system shuts down.

if anything co'd b helpfull,it wo'd b fine.thanz

I'm really hearing of such a problem for first time, so what I can suggest is to get a new copy of TC, thats best way out.

Re: problem - working in tc

I'm assuming you are talking about running TurboC. And I am assuming that you are trying to run it under Windows2000/XP which is much less compatible than the old Win95/98. Modern PCs are so powerful that they can easily emulate DOS and run small apps. I've had quite a bit of luck using an emulator called DosBox to run GWBASIC. The only downside is that DosBox only provides virtual parallel and serial ports which do not actually pass data onto the physical ports in the host system.


The other advantage of using DosBox is that if your DOS application crashes it will not bring your whole system down with it.


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