Cannot help you with the detailed coding as I think you use C ..?
Basically when you start the pic, as soon as it goes to your main code you increment a file called say COUNTER1 in EEprom.
You can then display that file on your lcd or leds etc so it shows how many times the Pic has been Reset due some problem.
Its a good way to tell if there has been a main failure or some interfence has caused a reset.
If you have not got a lcd in use, you could read back eerpom memory with your programmer to see COUNTER1s value.
The Watchdog is basically a free running timer, when it gets to the end of its count / timeout it causes a software reset of the micro and sends the program counter back to 0x0000
If activated, then within with timeout period you must regularly keep clearing the watchdog back to zero, if your program gets stuck in a loop then it will not be able to clear the watchdog so it overflows and Resets the Pic.
Just to give you an idea, I built a circuit on veroboard with hand wiring and the Resets counter showed several events in 24 hours.
A power relay was the cause, no amount of suppression overcame the problem.
I made a proper pcb and the circiut has run without any problems for weeks.
Long unshielded input leads are often a source of problems, they just act as an aerial.
hope that helps..