Multisim ---> Ultiboard [Circuit Design Transfer Problem]

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I designed my circuit for my mini project (mobile phone detector) in NI MULTISIM -11 and then decided to transfer the contents to NI-ULTIBOARD - 11 to design my PCB for the circuit. While transferring it shows that certain virtual components cannot be exported. I did some searching in the net and found out that you have to edit the footprint of the device to make it transferable to ULTIBOARD. But it's a pain in the neck to edit the foot print of each and every component in the circuit seperately [including resistors :shock:] Also I'm not sure which footprint to choose as it asks me to manually to select from a range of foot prints. Each foot print looks different in ULTIBOARD
So, My Question Is:

Is there an option in NI MULTISIM - 11 to make itself select the default foot prints for devices automatically? Is there an easy way to choose the footprints for the devices in NI MULTISIM - 11? :|

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