multiplexed seven segment display

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To multiplex the digits is to illuminate one digit at a time. The rotation is done rapidly. Persistence of vision causes our eyes to perceive the entire display as though all digits are lit simultaneously.

This provides benefits:
* only one driver IC is needed (rather than several)
* reduced current need (because only one digit is ever lit, rather then all digits simultaneously).

Seven data wires come from the driver IC. These fan out directly to all the digits.

However each digit's path to ground is also turned on and off by an individual control wire, coming from the driver IC.
It also can be achieved by using Transistors. for 7 displays 7 control lines required.

in this case multiplexing can be defined as a way to send data from one source to several 7 segment displays using common lines, it has to be done very fast because only one display is energized at a time, but the speed form the ilusion of all dispays being energized at the same time

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