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I am working on a VHDL code to insert multiple varying delays to signals. I have shown code below and expected waveforms and present waveforms respectively too. How can the code be changed to get desired waveforms?


int := conv_integer(pc);


    wait until rising_edge(clk);

        if (int >= 0 and int <= 500) then  -- alu/j

            load_logic <= '0';

            store_logic <= '0';

            branch_logic <= '0';

            wait for 20 ns; alu_logic <= '1';    

            wait for 20 ns; alu_logic <= '0';



        elsif (int >= 504 and int <= 600) then --load

            alu_logic <= '0';

            store_logic <= '0';

            branch_logic <= '0';

            wait for 40 ns; load_logic <= '1';   

            wait for 20 ns; load_logic <= '0';

        elsif (int >= 604 and int <= 700) then -- store

            alu_logic <= '0';

            load_logic <= '0';

            branch_logic <= '0';

            wait for 60 ns; store_logic <= '1';

            wait for 20 ns; store_logic <= '0';   

        else --- br/j  

            alu_logic <= '0';

            load_logic <= '0';

            store_logic <= '0';

            wait for 80 ns; branch_logic <= '1';

            wait for 20 ns; branch_logic <= '0';        

        end if;


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