Multiple security doors

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Newbie level 6
Aug 8, 2007
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Hi all..
I intend to make multiple security doors (maybe 4) with keypad or rfid that all connected to a server pc so the pc can monitor and control the doors.
I think I should use RS-232 to RS-485 converter then connect all the doors to the pc via 485 and for the pc i use borland delphi to control and monitor the security doors.
I have questions:
1. should i use EEPROM for the users id and passwords OR should i transfer all the incoming id to the pc then the pc check if the id is right/wrong and then decide to open/not open the door.
2. if i use the 2nd option, will it be efficient (in time)?
3. can someone give me ideas to improve my idea?

Sorry for my bad English


u can use computer for checking the ID and pass but consider the times when the computer crash for a moment or for the reason of no u should add redundancy for example a micro dependent circuit that backup ID and passwords in the flash and when there isnt computer your board decide to open or not.

its better to use a memory rather than sending to pc.

i think it is better to use a eeprom for the time efficiency and try to make it a stand alone devices with power supply form both battery and the mains.So that at power failure the door remains at operation condition.If u want to monitor the status of the doors then y do u want to use computer u can use LED with a centralised RFID receiver unit.IF there is any need to control the doors form my then u can use it

Its better to use a EEPROM than using timing.
Bcoz, storing and sending makes things much better resuluts.....

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