Multiple Design Available -Cadence Complier Error!!

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Newbie level 5
Nov 8, 2012
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Hi.. Am using cadence to synthesise my design...
I'm getting the following error...

''Error : Multiple designs are available. Specify the design you want to use. [TUI-17] [define_clock]
: There is no unique design available
: Specify a design by using the cd command to change to that design's directory or specify the design as an argument for the command.

Error : Multiple designs are available. Specify the design you want to use by either using the cd command to go to the design directory or use the define_clock ?define option. [TUI-221] [define_clock]
: No unique design.
: You can specify a design by cd'ing into that design's directory, or by using the -design option of define_clock.''

Anyone know the solution for it? Very urgent

Did you elaborate multiple design?

- - - Updated - - -

Did you elaborate multiple design?

I'm don't understand what you mean by multiple design...

But this is what I did...

set top_module TOP //that is the name of my top module
set src_files [list rtl_source/list_of_all_files.v ] //list includes all .v files

Then compiled the script though ''rc -f -gui rtlscript_bb.g'' command

Normaly in RTL compiler from Cadence, you read the RTL file and after that you elaborate a design, generally from the top.
I means the TOP is your top module of your design?

is it the first project? RC has a command to generate a basic template script which it is very useful to start.

Yes TOP is the top module of my design..
Yes its my first design but I'm already using the template script provider by RC..

pls ensure that your script does elaborate TOP module only. Usually if files are not read in an order that is required to link up the module it may elaborate all entities or modules as unique - and RTL compiler has this facility of multiple design tops something similar to design compiler like "current_design"

set top_module TOP //that is the name of my top module
set src_files [list rtl_source/list_of_all_files.v ] //list includes all .v files
read_hdl $src_files
elaborate $TOP

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