Basically what I have to do is to sample inputs from four microphones, then amplify the signals and pass them to microcontroller(s). Microcontroller should convert analogue signals into digital form and then pass it to bluetooth serial module, which should send stream of binary data to Laptop, where data is to be analyzed. I have just started the project, so I haven't bought any components yet. I was planning to use Pic18f2550 microcontroller, however after reading through the datasheet I doubt that it is possible to use it for simultaneous sampling of four analogue channels. There is another option I have in mind, that is to have 4 synchronized microcontrollers, but that would be quite troublesome. In one of the previous posts it was mentioned that there are PICs which can sample multiple analogue inputs at a time, but I havent found any info about that yet. If anyone could suggest me a controller that is capable of doing the job, I would be really grateful.