Multiple ADC in PIC16F877A [assembly code]

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Newbie level 6
Oct 30, 2011
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hi guess... I want use multiple ADC in PIC16F877A but in Assembly code. I want reading 4 ADC port (RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3) for input. Can you help me? or do yoyou have reference about this?

thank you....:smile::smile:

It's all in the data sheet. Just select the input to be fed to the ADC, start the conversion and wait for the result.
Note: There is only one ADC, you can't take four readings simultaneously!

hi guess... I want use multiple ADC in PIC16F877A but in Assembly code. I want reading 4 ADC port (RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3) for input. Can you help me? or do yoyou have reference about this?

thank you....:smile::smile:


Also you might find this tutorial #13 of help **broken link removed**
It's all in the data sheet. Just select the input to be fed to the ADC, start the conversion and wait for the result.
Note: There is only one ADC, you can't take four readings simultaneously!


Thank you...

---------- Post added at 08:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 ----------


Also you might find this tutorial #13 of help **broken link removed**

i will try. thank you...

There is 1 ADC but multiplex with many input. Every time you switch to another input, make sure you put delay about 2ms to give time it's multiplex.

There is 1 ADC but multiplex with many input. Every time you switch to another input, make sure you put delay about 2ms to give time it's multiplex.

thank you... do you have sample program?
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Of course there is a way to do true simultaneous sampling. It onvolves using many discrete Sample and Hold circuits. You just connect S/h input to your signals, outputs to analog pins of PIC and tie all of write strobe pins together to single pin of PIC. This way you can trigger many samplings at exactly the same time and then digitalize them one by one with ADC.

thank you... do you have sample program?

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