multimeter for car


Jul 29, 2024
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I want multimeter for my car that can handle a variety of tasks such as
measuring voltage,
possibly more advanced features like diode testing and continuity.

I am searching on a website, but I can't decide what to order.

Excellent Klaus, as you confirm, not one measuring device handles all issues,
as all the posters have discussed in prior posts. Eg. utility of use and measurement

Almost forgot some versions of these had Neon bulbs in them to detect ignition
V's (the presence of V >> 12 V. That I would not do with simple DVM and standard

Regards, Dana.

Almost forgot some versions of these had Neon bulbs in them to detect ignition
V's (the presence of V >> 12 V. That I would not do with simple DVM and standard
Come on.
Again: The OP asks for a multimeter. He did not ask for something fancy or special. Which multimeter (that´s what he asked for) is useful for ignition tests?

If you want to test ignition ... why not also analyze the various high speed busses, a lamda sensor, a knock sensor, a thermocouple for exhaust temperature?
All can be done .. but not with a multimeter the OP asks for: Voltage, current, resistance...


Klaus, again, what a great job you did in post #20, a clamp meter for high current, although
it cant do battery current crank amp/s under load, like post # 8. Your recognizing, like rest of
posters, one DVM cant do it all. And exposes OP to the greater variety of tests and testers
that can, and are, used in vehicle work.

Good job Klaus, good job ! Same to Dick for confirming what several of US know, simple solutions
also have a place.

All this aligns with OP reaching out for solutions and

I want multimeter for my car that can handle a variety of tasks such as
measuring voltage,
possibly more advanced features like diode testing and continuity.

I am searching on a website, but I can't decide what to order.

"Possibly more advanced features"......

--- Updated ---

Almost forgot :
If you want to test ignition ... why not also analyze the various high speed busses, a lamda sensor, a knock sensor, a thermocouple for exhaust temperature?
All can be done .. but not with a multimeter the OP asks for: Voltage, current, resistance...

Many multimeters have thermocouple capability :|query_from:
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Totally agree. OP PLAINLY asked to measure voltage, current and resistance, and people STILL keep stubbornly insisting that a light bulb is a valid solution.
There is a tendency on this board for people to go on about something they know a lot about, rather than actually answer the question at hand.

If you want a multimeter for in car use consider one with a backlight or emmisive display, it can be hard to see the display on a LCD in a car due to either high background light or little light at all.
People are NOT INSISTING on anything, but they are INSISTING that classic light
bulb in probe is a well used tool for troubleshooting some issues, like continuity (power)
to a bulb or LED. As is DVM, as is Clamp Meter, as is battery load tester, as is protocol
analyzers as is code readers as is...... good mechanics use them all.

The OP by now has a greater knowledge base as a result of all the disclosures and

yup u guys are right thank u so much

I have a brain defunctioning issue here, but i imagined the op was looking for a separate multimeter from workshop to keep in a car where he could use it if his work gig (like onsite repair tech) required the measurements he specified.. meaning compared to workshop, the conditions are quite a bit different... ..anyway..i've never had any problem with any fluke multimeter i've used..but the same goes with any other brand multimeter too except all of the cheap ones. As for a hobbyist the cheapos too can be really useful, and won't break your bank when you accidentally measure current from your car battery.. however i've seen them get confused near switching supplies and do all kinds of other ugly for real work no go.. has to be some reputable brand..i get fluke..for no reason other that i'm used to..

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