MTEE problem in ADS

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Sep 13, 2022
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Hi, I am making a rectenna system in ADS. I did the impedance mapping from the Smith Chart Tool. However, when I put MTEE between MLINEs, my S11 value changes. Why do you think it happens? I want the system to run at 2.14 GHz.


Have a look at the layout. MTEE adds some metal length, to make room for the T-junction. Also it includes the electrical effect of the connection including that metal.
Have a look at the layout. MTEE adds some metal length, to make room for the T-junction. Also it includes the electrical effect of the connection including that metal.
So I will not add MTEE on the schematic screen, but on the layout. Then will there be a change in S11 value?

So I will not add MTEE on the schematic screen, but on the layout.

Oh .. no, no!

You misunderstand things. Schematic is there to represent your layout. Your schematic without MTEE is invalid because it models something you cannot build: an ideal junction with no parasitics.

To have a valid result, you must include MTEE, and layout shows what you get. You will need to tweak length of the lines connected to the MTEE.
thank you very much
--- Updated ---

I am so sorry. I don't know how to do what you said. I am new to this program.
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