The single-frame mode operates similar to the video mode. It also scans the rows of the
sensor twice, first to reset the rows and second to read the rows. Unlike video mode
where a continuous stream of images are output from the image sensor, the single-frame
mode outputs a single frame in response to a high state placed on the TRIGGER input
pin. As long as the TRIGGER pin is held in a high state, new images will be read out. After
the TRIGGER pin is returned to a low state, the image sensor will not output any new
images and will wait for the next high state on the TRIGGER pin.
The TRIGGER pin state is detected during the vertical blanking period (i.e. the FV signal
is low). The pin is level sensitive rather than edge sensitive. As such, image integration
will only begin when the sensor detects that the TRIGGER pin has been held high for 3
consecutive clock cycles. If the trigger signal is applied to multiple sensors at the same
time, the single frame output of the sensors will be synchronized to within 1 PIXCLK if is
PLL disabled or 2 PIXCLKs if PLL is enabled.
During integration time of single-frame mode and video mode, the FLASH output pin is
at high.