Sampling frequency needs to be HIGHER than 2 x the highest (sine) frequency within a signal.
--> you can´t sample a 9MHz sinewave with a 18MHz sampling frequency.
18MHz sampling frequency and 4MHz signal.
Yes, possible. But only if the 4MHz signal is pure undistorted sine.
Every distortion means overtones. Overtones are multiples of your fundamental frequency.
Thus: 4MHz fundamental: overtones: 8MHz, 12MHz, 16MHz ...
Most overtones ar uneven multiples: 3x, 5x....
But the lowest uneven overtone = 12MHz is beyond nyquist rule.
Sine: yes. Other waveforms like triangle, square wave, random = NO.
18Msps signal is 18 000 000 samples per second, assuming ADC is 12 bit, then it is 12*18 000 000 bits per second, 216 000 000 bits per second ==> 27 000 000 bytes per second, 27 000KB!
Sadly even worse.
12 bit means 2 bytes per sample. (don´t calculate with bits)
--> 36 000 kBytes/s
It is way higher than the CPU RAM...
No. One unit is "byte/s" the other is "bytes". You can´t compare different units (like apples and oranges)
It just says: you can not store a complete second of sampled data.
640kBytes / 36,000kBytes/s = 0,01778s = 17,8ms
Why do you want to store a complete second?
This are 4 million full waves. Usually it makes no sense to store 4 million full waves of the same signal.
But maybe yo can add external SRAM or DRAM to store expand the memory. Read the datasheet.
Even with an ethernet interface I doubt you can transmit all data without loss of data.
Any additional traffic on the ethernet may cause your dataflow to stall. ... 17ms are enough to fill your complete buffer .. and after those 17ms there will be loss of data.