MSP430 programmer schematic

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Newbie level 2
Feb 20, 2008
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msp430 programmer

Please help me find out the schematic of the TI's MSP430 series of microcontrollers.

It can be using parallel port or usb

msp430 schematic


Use the MSPFET - FREE MSP430 flash programming utility

with the simple board


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just go through the discussion at

it may help you

msp430 programmer shematic

In old times, TI provide in MSP430 site area, full documentation about the parallel programmer; one for MSP430F14x and other for MSP430F11x.

Go in and search for then!

Softbaugh have some programmers too at very inexpensive prices!


simple msp430 programmer

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Read Chapter 5 for document "slau265.pdf" BSL schematic is explained


hi, my name julius..i have project to build up a pulse oximeter using msp430f149, i have build the board n downloader, i have bought the cable probe too..but i don't know how to finish the code and what type of lcd that i should to used...please help me to solve this problem, especially by the code problem..if any one ever build up the same thing like this, please help me to build the one..please answer my question and respond it to my mail at

Hello Julius!

It's difficult to choose an LCD for you. It depends on what you want to make with it.
For instance, I have designed an ECG recording device using MSP430 recently.
As the display is just a way to verify that the signal is coming, it's not so important.
The result is here:
**broken link removed**

However, if you want an LCD that can be used for diagnostic, this is clearly not

Here are for a quite wide variety of applications.

If you need a low power device, take a black & white COG LCD. If not, then you
may choose a color device.


Re: msp430 programmer

Please help me find out the schematic of the TI's MSP430 series of microcontrollers.

It can be using parallel port or usb

The original TI parallel port design discussed above was copied by Olimex with some slight changes. They make and sell the complete parrallel port unit for ~$16. Sparkfun is one of the distributors in USA. You could not build it yourself for $16. If you go to the olimex website they show the schematic for their version on their website.

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