Mines slightly diffo, I look for a carrier off signal, then start a counter at 100hz, then sample the first bit half way along its duration, and then the second in a similar matter, and then when the counter gets to 450 msec and I check for the start bit, and then reset the counter and go again, if the start bit is present the seconds counter is reset and the new data written to a 2 by 16 display.
When the carrier has been on for 600msec this increments the seconds counter.
Seems to work well except its one second behind all the time and second 00 is displayed for 2 secs, I just realised what it is, I look for a 600msec carrier on to increment the seconds, thinking there is allways 700msec of carrier on in a second, but there isnt, second 00 is only 500msec, thats why my counter isnt incrementing, gonna change that now and see.
I'm going to add this to an electronic long case clock I made, and maybe try and synchronize the pendulum to the msf, getting the pendulum in sync is gonna be tricky.
Thanks for the feedback.