I am using an mpu6050 accelerometer+gyroscope sensor with a pic32 and I am getting large readings from the gyroscope whenever I plug in the power to my system.
The sensor readings are in 16 bit signed format and I get readings towards the far ends of the range (around -20k or 20k) when my device is static. The gyro readings seem to fluctuate accordingly when the system moves, just that the gyro returns these large values when it is supposed to be returning zero.
I would also like to add that this only happens when I disconnect and reconnect power. Whenever I reprogram my mcu, the gyro readings are correct, even when I reset the mcu. The accelerometer readings i obtain are correct, and only the gyro behaves like this. I have also tried my system with another module and it behaves the same.
Any ideas on what may be causing this? Many thanks.