MPC8313E SPI Memory interfacing Help

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big porkus

Junior Member level 3
Oct 19, 2004
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Hi to all,

I run into a big trouble:
I am very new to linux embedded , and i have to interface an ST M25p16 to a MPC8313E cpu.
I am working on a:
- fresscale demoboard MPC8313E-RDB REVA2
- ltib-mpc8313erdb-20081222 coming from Freescale.

~ # uname -a
Linux mpc8313erdb 2.6.23 #12 Tue Dec 15 14:21:22 CET 2009 ppc unknown

I have connected the M25P16 to the SPI controller, but now i am very very confused.
I know quite well how the SPI signals works, but:

I don't know how to access the memory and how to use the functions and/or the driver resources.

I have activated into the kernel configuration the following items:

----Memory Technology Device (MTD) support
<*> MTD concatenating support
[*] MTD partitioning support
[*] Command line partition table parsing
<*> Direct char device access to MTD devices
<*> Caching block device access to MTD devices

---- SPI support
[*] SPI support
<*> Freescale MPC83xx SPI controller
<*> SPI EEPROMs from most vendors

- The /dev directory doesn't show any device referring to the memory.
- Looking with the oscilloscope, the SPI signals are stucked into the idle state, except of one dummy byte during the startup phase .

I have readed the spi-summary document, but without an explicit example for me is quite hard to proceed.

I take a look to the file "m25p80.c" but i have not clear how to use it.
Have i to declare something into the .dts file? in wich way?
Someone knows if there is some example about it?
Same story with "spidev.c".
Is There some log that can help you to help me?

Thanks to everyone's help.

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