A crystal by itself will give you nothing, and a crystal pin-pair
will likely be more work to get running, clean up, characterize
and prove reliable than you are ready for. You want a known-
quantity clock-in-a-can (crystal oscillator) and depending on
your accuracy and stability requirements, possibly some more
special subspecies (TCXO, OCXO, ...).
10MHz is your happy place, cost-wise.
5nS is mighty leisurely and depending on ambient EMI could
give you a lot of reference jitter. You should prefer (if you
can get and use) something like LVPECL oscillator output and
clock input. CMOS outputs (often 5V) are more common but
will put you through some hoops when you're talking low
voltage logic receiving, and slow as you note. However you
should realize that the prop delay spec encompasses a
stated load, which includes half of rise/fall transition times,
and yours should be well less. Whether you can put a sane
and better number to it, wants checking. But a higher native
speed output format (which also is supported in your foundry
I/O library) would be best.