[moved] Voltage Considerations for Diode Selection


Feb 29, 2024
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Factors Influencing Diode Voltage Selection

When selecting a diode based on voltage considerations, several factors come into play:

Application Voltage Requirements: Understand the voltage levels present in your circuit and select diodes with voltage ratings that comfortably exceed these levels. It's essential to consider both peak and continuous voltages to ensure reliability under all operating conditions.

Voltage Transients and Surge Protection: In applications where voltage spikes or transients are common, such as power supplies or motor drives, choose diodes with adequate reverse voltage ratings to withstand these transient events without failing.

Temperature Effects: Remember that diode characteristics, including forward voltage drop, can vary with temperature. Take into account the operating temperature range of your application and choose diodes with voltage ratings suitable for the expected temperature extremes.

Safety Margins: Incorporate safety margins when selecting diodes to account for variations in voltage levels, component tolerances, and environmental conditions. Opting for diodes with higher voltage ratings than strictly required can enhance the robustness and reliability of your circuit.

Practical Considerations

Consult Datasheets: Datasheets provided by diode manufacturers contain detailed information about voltage ratings and other relevant parameters. Thoroughly review datasheets to ensure compatibility with your application requirements.

Consider Trade-offs: Balance between voltage ratings and other diode parameters, such as forward voltage drop and switching speed, to optimize performance for your specific application needs.

Simulation and Testing: Utilize circuit simulation tools and conduct real-world testing to validate the selected diodes' performance under different voltage conditions. This iterative approach can uncover potential issues early in the design phase.

Looks like a good AI response for general principles without metrics. However no question , application or design limits were stated.

What detailed limits, or figures of merit for ESR * C or ESR * trr(reverse recovery time) or Rs vs Pd (max) can you suggest for this broad range of diodes?

e.g. diode vs shorted B-C transistor advantages. Schottky vs Si vs GaAs? or Diode vs FET switch ?
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