[MOVED] Tips needed on soldering prototype PCB

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Full Member level 1
Nov 6, 2012
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I'm ready to move from plastic breadboard to the soldering type of prototype PCB. What i immediately notice is that I'm missing the very useful "connected strips" - those long strips that run at the bottom of the plastic breadboard that allow you to easily connect all your +5V and grounds.

So my question is how do I replicate this easily on a proto PCB? Do I start by drawing a long line with solder on the back of the PCB? But then I realise I will be blocking the holes to actually put the components in:roll: Do I solder the connecting line when I'm finished with soldering all components - on top of the component soldering? I've been searching for youtube videos on specifically this topic but all I could find are individual component soldering - never the "connection lines".


Some prototyping PCBs have these sorts of common
strips / rings. Myself, I prefer buying large sheets of
the pad-per-hole Vector board, cutting it into many
little pieces (I tend to do small assemblies more than
large, but I have done complex digital boards of maybe
20 ICs plus passives).

I build up the power and ground bussing as I go with
wire overlaid as you mention, and use insulated wire
for the signal hookups (telephone wire usually, free
and plentiful solid-core with various colors to help
keep them straight). Close-in wiring I may use bare
leads of components where it makes sense. The
pad-per-hole board type has a sort of built-in routing
grid, if you will.

Hi vamsee,

you can find perforated boards those have similar lines as their are in plastic breadboards from local stores in your area.
Please have a look at following perforated boards:

1. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/8002/V1045-ND/7626
2. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/8019/V1035-ND/480414

A good approach to prototyping over perforated board would be to take advantage of pcb design tools such as (Eagle, Protel or Altium) and place your components on software pcb (before actually placing them on perforated board) and see how would you be able to wire all components. With this approach you can make clean prototype boards on perforated boards.

Hope this helps!

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