[Moved]Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

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Advanced Member level 3
Apr 24, 2010
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Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
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There are two basic types of inverters in the market. One is Linear One with heavy weight and low frequency transformer and the other one is Switch Mode, high frequency light weight inverter.

The question is, which will be better choice on respect of cost, efficiency, durability and overall satisfaction? Please give me your opinion.

Re: Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

There is little to choose from between them. The switch mode will be far more efficient because of lower transformer losses but it depends on how big the inverter is.
If you are taking about low power (<10W) and low voltage (<300V) it is probably most economical to use a linear amplifier and transformer. Above that, the weight and cost of the transformer makes is more economical to use a switch mode design. For very high voltages, the transformer starts to look good again because of the limited availability of high voltage switching semiconductors.


Re: Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

I doubt that many 50 Hz transformer inverter are linear in any regard. They are usually implemented as simple 50 Hz push-pull switch with square wave output

Re: Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

Yes they're usually implemented with square wave output, but Its easy to use opamp to generate 50hz sine + class D amp for sine out wave inverter.
with very good eff and no heat. This is very cheap, there are extremelely cheap class d amps 7$

**broken link removed**

i bought the 2nd one for this purpose and haven't tried it yet. However, it sounds good as amp

Re: Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

If you only need a very few watts, for instance to drive a synchronous clock motor, there is nothing wrong with a "linear" class AB audio amplifier and a transformer.

If you only need one watt, who cares if it takes four dc watts to get it.

But as power level rises, efficiency becomes increasingly more important.

Re: Switch Mode Inverter vs Linear Inverter

Also i plan to make this with ATX high freq transformer -> stepping up 12V to high voltage DC, PWM that HV to 220V 50hz

requiring only HV mosfets and a very small transformer for big power.

As mentioned for higher power requirement smps is efficient and linear supply waste more heat, but when it come to repair work or problem troubleshooting linear are generally more easier to work as compared to smps

So it will not be a wise decision to use SMPS inverter for low power range? I mean below 1KW. I found many SMPS inverter below 1KW range working long time no problem. Also excellent performance. But why Linear one will be best below 1KW range?

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